about eloise


she/her 🍦 VTuber

Chibi by Momo, Background by rokirokidan

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who? i'm eloise, a cat girl, running her own ice cream parlour and building an army of scoops along the way.scoops? ice cream scoops, silly! do you wanna be one? you seem super sweet.

although my content is usually PG-13, sometimes it's not. streams meant for an older audience will be marked.

business inquiries only: email




she/her 🍦 VTuber

Chibi by Momo, Background by rokirokidan

BEHOLD! Here are the artists that have made me who I am!

Design by Emilie Atelier
Reference Page by Emilie Atelier
Thank you so much to Emilie Atelier for creating my design!